Domain configuration

A few weeks ago I bought my own domain name and when I started using it, I asked myself ‘how can I redirect the domain name to my web page?’. In this case the page was inside of the Amazon Web Services cloud and after some research I realized that I just needed to edit the record ‘A’ of the DNS information related with my domain and redirect the domain to the sub domain www, then redirect the sub domain to the web site in Amazon.

While I was reading the instructions I was like, ‘Ok that is not really clear, why would I need all that mess?’ I didn’t know what was the ‘A’ record and I didn’t know how to modify it. After searching and reading a little bit the information in the help page of my domain name provider I found that this kind of configuration would take around, lets say, 15 clicks. That is not a really big amount of clicks taking in consideration that in order for me to write this post took me around 5 clicks. After some time playing with the configuration and some research and reading I finally got my domain pointing to the correct web site.

Nothing better to finish one hard day of configurations than saying ‘hey today I learned to configure DNS records to point domains to web sites’, well there might be a lot of people who would say, ‘what is this guy talking about?’ but anyway, I learned something new today.

—- In Spanish/En Español —-

Hace unas semanas que compre mi dominio y al empezar a utilizarlo dije como puedo dirigirlo a mi pagina web, en este caso una pagina dentro de la nube de Amazon, después de algo de investigación me di cuenta que era solo editar el registro A del DNS y hacer el re direccionamiento del dominio al subdominio www que a su vez hace el re direccionamiento a la pagina en Amazon. Al leerlo dije, ya la…. por que la verdad no tenia ni idea de que era el registro A y no sabia ni como modificarlo. Al navegar en la ayudar de mi proveedor de nombre de dominio encontré que en su portal esto se hace en, digamos, 15 clics, lo cual no es mucho considerando que para poder entrar a escribir esta entrada di 5 clics. Después de un rato de configuración y algo de lectura finalmente mi dominio debería de apuntar a la pagina correcta.

Nada como poder decir al final del día, ‘hey hoy aprendí a configurar registros del DNS para que mi dominio apunte a mi pagina web’, bueno abra algunos a los que eso no les diga mucho pero en fin, hoy aprendí algo nuevo!
