All posts by Raul Robledo

Software Engineer and Open Source evangelist. I have worked in multiple companies building corporate applications, companies like Tacit Knowledge, Pitney Bowes, Honeywell, Littlefuse, GE as part of Softtek and esurance as part of Global HITSS. Along the way provided support to Bank of America internal applications as part of Tata Consultancy Services. With experience in a many programming languages and technologies related to Linux and the Open Source ecosystem like PHP, python, Perl, using MySQL and MariaDB, also little bit of Java and Android. Professionally I have worked supporting corporate applications with Microsoft technologies like Classic ASP, ASP.NET WebForms using Telerik web controls, ASP.NET MVC and Sitecore CMS, SQL Server, and more recently dotnet core. I hold some certifications like Sitecore XP 8 Website Development, C# Programming, ITIL v3 Fundamentals and Database Administration Fundamentals.

Selenium CSharp Project

Currently at my day to day I have been required to perform some testing on the UI which as you might guess is really repetitive and tame consuming. In my career I have worked with manual testers but never had the change to work with automation testers, usually because of lack of project resources or expertise, but in more than once I heard the name Selenium for testing automation.

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Sitecore Developer certification

Recently attended the course Sitecore XP 8 Website Development for .NET Developers training and got certified, the material of the training was great, and the training experience was also great, the trainer was really knowledgeable about Sitecore, and how to use it in real world scenarios.

I will try to post about my experience with Sitecore so that maybe one day I can get nominated as Sitecore MVP, for now, there is a lot I need to practice.

Food for thoughts, Privacy

Reading about what is happening in Australia I keep thinking, this world is becoming a place where the people no longer has power, the power is on the hands of the ones in power (government).

Mexico is going the same way, the government has also required the carriers to save the metadata for up to 2 years, but no one knows how this information will be used, and which controls are in place to stop the bad guys to have access to it.

As far as I know, I would like no one from the government to have access to it, just because the history has proved us that we should not trust the words from the people in the government.

Recording Calls in Android

A few months ago I found an application in F-Droid that according to the description allowed to record phone calls in android phones so I downloaded it, it started but when tried to record a call for testing i got an error and it stopped working. After that deception I thought “it is an open source application (due to F-Droid is a repository of open source applications, you should check it out) I could download the code and check if I can help”.

Continue reading Recording Calls in Android

Using Git

I started using Git in my day to day, usually worked with SVN for everything due to it was the default to handle code everywhere.

I had reviewed Git a few years ago, I even presented the topic ‘Git vs Subversion’ in the Congreso Nacional de Software Libre (CONSOL), but I didn’t catch all the important features that Git has in terms of code distribution.

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As you may know HTML5 is still under development, there is a lot of people working on it so it can be a great technology that we can all use to comunicate and share information. But as always we have a dark side, there is people trying to include restrictive controls on HTML5 that at the end of the day are just there to block the freedom we have in the Internet, please help, sign the petition so we can stop this from happening.

Stop the Hollyweb! No DRM in HTML5.

Domain configuration

A few weeks ago I bought my own domain name and when I started using it, I asked myself ‘how can I redirect the domain name to my web page?’. In this case the page was inside of the Amazon Web Services cloud and after some research I realized that I just needed to edit the record ‘A’ of the DNS information related with my domain and redirect the domain to the sub domain www, then redirect the sub domain to the web site in Amazon.

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